Update, in and out of the concert hall

21/05/2018 12:28

Having finished the fourth '48' recital, including a partial outing on the organ (and a big one - the four manual at Bury St Edmund's Cathedral!) it was back to other projects, including the editing of the complete Bach family compositions for two keyboards, which should be out later this year. After a new music conference presentation in Sheffield and the Bach '333rd Birthday' concert in March, in which all the pieces were related to the number 3 in some way (see www.fitz.cam.ac.uk/news/bachs-birthday), there followed a 200th anniversary recital of Kozeluch (who many in the 1790s preferred to Mozart...) and a special programme of new music for two harpsichords, in association with CNM (colchesternewmusic.com/projects/). Next up, it's a dramatization of Thomas Morley's 'Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke' (1597), the last portion of the '48' (all the keys from B major to C# major, seriously hard work), trios for three recorders, and the rest of the Tomkins and Bull from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book.